Many smokers want to stop smoking; however, most fail during the first few weeks of trying, mainly because of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Smokers have tried various methods, including nicotine gums, e-cigarettes, nicotine patches, and drug therapy.
Unfortunately, nicotine is a very addictive drug, and the withdrawal symptoms, including physical, mental, and emotional issues, make quitting difficult.
In our clinic consultations in Toronto and Greater Toronto Area, smokers usually refuse to acknowledge the long-term risks that smoking poses to their health and others (from secondhand smoke).
Instead of making a goal to stop smoking, smokers prefer to overlook the well-documented threats of lung cancer and heart disease that smoking can usher into their lives. This is because the effects are primarily unnoticeable and comprise a possible point in the future that we prefer to ignore rather than stop smoking.
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Researchers used to focus on smoking from the perspective of an internal damage risk factor. But now, research shows that tobacco smoke negatively affects the skin, arteries, and mouth – from premature aging to cancer.
Unlike the lungs and heart, positioned inside the body, the skin is an external organ that is visible and can also be touched and covers the entire body. And that’s why, even before you think about the harmful effects of smoking on your heart and lungs, a new or existing smoker should pause awhile to think of the potential damage your skin is in for when you continue to smoke.
Let’s take a closer look at the terrible impact of smoking on your skin. It should motivate you enough to give up smoking, especially when you understand that skin deep has a new connotation for smokers!
The skin on our face has been the object of attention from the beginning of man. Beauty is epitomized in the texture and colour of our facial skin. And we all spend large amounts of time and money on keeping our facial skin young and healthy. Yet, with the onset of age, we all dread the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face.
But for smokers, the signs of skin aging become evident even earlier. Long-term or committed smokers are observed to develop crow’s feet and discoloured skin, which gives an unhealthy and aged look. Blood vessels and veins also begin to stand out of the skin in spidery formations.
To combat premature aging and sagging looks of our facial skin, smokers turn in desperation to skin lotions and anti-aging beauty creams. In short, smoking is expensive because undoing its effects on the skin can be very expensive, time-consuming and depressing too. Therefore, the wise and sensible option would be to say ‘no’ to smoking immediately.
At our Stop Smoking Clinic, we target BOTH the physical addiction and the psychological habit of stopping smoking by combining a 3-part program to combat these issues.
While stopping smoking cessation can appear like an impossible challenge, the fact remains that with an effective support system behind you, it can be achieved. This includes professional help, such as your laser therapist, to help you stop smoking.
Many smokers in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area have tried various methods, including nicotine patches, gums, e-cigarettes, and drug therapy. However, nicotine is a very addictive drug, and the withdrawal symptoms, including physical, mental, and emotional issues, make quitting difficult.
At Stop Smoking Clinic, our smoking cessation program has three parts to target these issues.
The first part is laser therapy. Our cold laser is non-invasive, painless, and has no side effects. It is entirely safe. We target laser acupuncture points around your ears, nose, mouth, wrists, and hands.
The second part of our program consists of guidance and Counselling. We understand quitting is both a physical and a mental issue. Therefore, we address these mental issues, such as patterns of social and emotional triggers that smokers experience when trying to quit.
Finally, our 24-hour support line will help you stay focused and smoke-free.
Are you tired of your smoking habit? Do you want a new healthy lifestyle? Call us today at 647-951-3100 for a free consultation. We offer Pain-Free, Fast and comprehensive Smoking Cessation Therapy. We have three accessible locations in Toronto, Toronto, Midtown and Richmond Hill. You can also schedule your appointment today by visiting our website: https://www.stopsmokingclinic.
Our program has a very high 85% success rate. It just takes one hour, and only one treatment is required. For some clients who need additional Support, we offer a second treatment for free if you need it. Most of our clients, however, are smoke-free from just one treatment.
Tags: effects of smoking on mental health, effects of smoking on oral health, health effects of pipe smoking, health effects of quitting smoking, health effects of smoking, health effects of smoking a pipe, health effects of smoking tobacco, long term health effects of smoking, negative health effects of smoking, physical health effects of smokingStop Smoking Clinic © 2023 All Rights Reserved Terms of Use and Privacy Policy