For many smokers, whenever they have tried to stop smoking, they’ve delayed the issue by giving themselves one excuse after another. Therefore, you can never stop smoking altogether, and the habit continues indefinitely until one day in the future, your doctor tells you to block it, or you’re going to die. Quitting the smoking habit is easier said than done.
On the one hand, the physical withdrawal symptoms make it extremely difficult for many smokers to say goodbye to the smoking habit. On the other, several psychological barriers create mental blocks in your attempts to quit smoking. Let’s examine some of the most common myths about why we continue to smoke.
Understanding the truth behind these reasons will give you the strength to take the first step towards a healthy, non-smoking lifestyle and learn to stop smoking for good.
Myth and fact: Smoking cessation leads to me gaining weight. Smoking cigarettes indeed help suppress appetite. So, when you give up smoking, it is natural that you’ll regain your appetite and start eating more food.
The solution is to start eating healthier to maintain healthy body weight. You can change your eating habits by adding healthy snacks like fruits and nuts instead of processed and junk foods.
When you give up smoking, your body will enjoy more oxygen supply. Exercise moderately, eat and stay away from cigarettes. Don’t make weight gain an excuse to continue your smoking habit.
Myth and fact: Smoking cigarettes only affects my lungs. Your lungs can indeed be permanently damaged by smoking. However, smoking can also cause damage to many other organ systems, including circulatory, digestive, respiratory, excretory, endocrine and nervous systems.
Long-term smoking can significantly damage our blood vessels, causing high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
Other health conditions that can be triggered by smoking include type 2 diabetes. So, it’s not just the lungs you should worry about when you smoke; it affects every part of your body’s organ systems.
Myth and fact: Second-hand smoke is harmless. Second-hand smoke has been shown to increase the chances of cardiovascular disease by as much as 30%. So the next time you feel like smoking in front of people or your home, remember you could increase the possibility of your friends and family getting lung cancer and many other diseases from your second-hand smoking.
Myth and fact: Smoking low-tar cigarettes is relatively safe. Low-tar or mentholated, all types of cigarettes are equally bad for our health. These lighter variants of cigarettes force us to inhale harder than regular cigarettes. As a result, we inhale more smoke and tar into our lungs and body. It’s best to stop smoking all types of cigarettes.
Myth and fact: Filtered cigarettes are healthier. While a cigarette filter blocks some of the tar and nicotine from entering our lungs and body, the fact remains that thousands of toxins in cigarettes find their way into our lungs and bloodstream. This is because the filters only break down the smoke particles and facilitate the easier absorption of nicotine into the bloodstream.
Myth and fact: Smoking e-cigarettes or hookahs are safer. Inhaling tobacco smoke is harmful to the human body. So, whether you smoke cigarettes, hookahah, or even an e-cigarette, you’re exposing yourself and your non-smoker friends and family to potential cancer, heart disease,se and a host of other health conditions.
Myth and fact: Social smoking is not as bad as regular smoking. This myth could stop you from totally kicking the smoking habit. Social smokers often don’t think of themselves as smokers, so they don’t believe health warnings about smoking apply to them. As a result, many social smokers tend to ignore warnings about health risks.
Social smokers have the same increased risks of health issues like cancer and heart disease. There’s no safe level of smoking, so don’t think the occasional smoke is harmless.
Myth and fact: Exercise and diet can reverse the negative impact of smoking. Unfortunately, research has shown that the adverse effects of smoking cannot be eliminated through exercise or healthy food alone. You still need to stop smoking to stay healthy.
Myth and fact: Smoking does not permanently damage the lungs. The chemicals in tobacco smoke damage the delicate lining of the lungs and can cause permanent damage that reduces the ability of the lungs to exchange air efficiently.
This can ultimately lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Although the lungs do have the capacity to repair themselves, this is possible only when you are young enough.
If you have crossed the age of 30, lung capacity to overcome deterioration will slow down. But remember, no matter how old you are, stopping smoking is always a good thing.
Myth and fact: Stop smoking programs don’t work. Many people believe that enrolling in a stop-smoking program is a waste of money and time. This is true if your mind is not set on quitting smoking or you are not ready to leave. The truth is that such programs such as stop smoking laser therapy have been quite successful in helping people stop smoking over the past 25 years.
It is always better to rely on a support infrastructure than on your willpower to stop smoking.
Now that we know some of the myths that causes people to continue to smoke, it gets easier to take the following steps to a smoke-free life. Fortunately, there are smoking cessation programs that help you cope up with the withdrawal effects of tobacco and nicotine.
Quitting smoking and staying off cigarettes is not easy and requires commitment, willpower and the strength to overcome the withdrawal symptoms. For all who are ready to stop smoking and are serious about quitting, the Stop Smoking Clinic offers a stop-smoking cessation program to help you stop smoking once and for all.
The Stop Smoking Clinic, located in Richmond Hill and Toronto, Ontario, can provide the treatment you need to help you stop smoking.
Laser therapy for stop smoking involves processes such as cold low level laser where acupuncture points on the face, hands, feet, ears are targeted with non-invasive cold laser beams which help balance and increase endorphin levels. Endorphins are the body’s natural defence against pain, depression and stress.
It’s the chemical released when you smoke a cigarette, giving you a calm relaxing feeling. The problem for smokers is that when nicotine leaves, so do the drop in endorphin levels. Many smokers have used laser stop-smoking therapy to quit smoking and have remained non-smokers since successfully.
In Conclusion: Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors for lung cancer, heart disease, and many other smoking-related diseases. Despite this, there are still many common myths surrounding smoking and its associated risks.
One common myth is that smoking only increases the risk of lung cancer. However, smoking increases the risk of heart attacks and other health problems. Another myth is that smoking a few cigarettes a day isn’t harmful.
However, any amount of tobacco smoke inhaled increases the risks of smoking-related diseases in the long term. Fortunately, nicotine replacement products can help people who smoke quit and reduce their risk of smoking-related health problems.
In addition, the National Cancer Institute reports that quitting smoking at any age can improve health outcomes and reduce the risks of smoking-related diseases. The good news is that it is never too late to quit and reduce the health risks associated with smoking.
Please visit or and call 647-557-6082 to book your one-hour stop-smoking laser therapy treatment today.
Tags: cigarettes, Fact about Smoking brampon, Fact about Smoking richmond hill, Fact about Smoking toronto, how to stop smoking, Quit Smoking, Second-hand smoke, smoking, smoking cessation, Smoking cigarettes, stop smoking
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