Given a chance, most people who smoke would like to kick the habit. Unfortunately, many smokers who quit smoking tend to revert to their old ways sooner or later. This is because tobacco is highly addictive, and the withdrawal effects of nicotine keep surprising the body so much that it is only a matter of time before you pick up smoking again. So what should you expect when you are quitting smoking?
If you wish to know how to quit smoking and remain off smoking, you must understand the body’s reaction to various withdrawal reactions that nicotine induces when you’re quitting smoking. Smokers who have tried getting off tobacco will tell you that the withdrawal symptoms can be felt as soon as 15 minutes after your last smoke. But don’t be surprised when you know that withdrawal symptoms can continue to ambush you periodically until as many as fifteen years after you get off the smoking bandwagon. Therefore, to successfully stop smoking and avoid tobacco, you must know the physiological reactions the body gives out whenever it encounters nicotine withdrawal effects.
Table of Contents
You don’t have to wait too long to enjoy the health benefits of quitting tobacco. Barely 20 minutes after you quit smoking, your body begins its journey to recovery from nicotine dependence. Pulse and blood pressure begin normalizing, and your extremities regain their original temperature.
The more time you stay away from your last cigarette, your body is enjoying more and more health benefits. In the first eight hours after you quit smoking, you can be sure that your blood’s nicotine and carbon monoxide levels have decreased by as much as half. The depletion of carbon monoxide in the blood automatically creates space for much-needed oxygen to return to the bloodstream. The result of normal oxygen levels in the blood leads to better brain-muscle coordination.
By the time you complete 12 hours after smoking cessation, carbon monoxide levels have returned to normal. Even your heart is thanking you because it doesn’t have to struggle as much to supply oxygen to the body.
When you reach the 24-hour milestone, you deserve to be congratulated! You have successfully achieved your first day as a non-smoker. Savour the experience of freedom from cravings and desire. The first day is a major milestone because it is the foundation of your life off the smoking habit. Incidentally, you substantially cut your chances of a heart attack.
After 24 hours of abstention from smoke, you are now game to explore the terrain further. You also notice that your mouth is beginning to produce more saliva. Your taste and smell sense strengthens because the deadened nerve endings begin to regain sensitivities. Meanwhile, your body is also going all out to flush the toxins from smoking. The lungs expel mucus, and you can feel the lungs breathe in air with new energy.
But while exulting over your victory over tobacco, you must stay on guard. Temptations could assault at any moment, and a weak moment could take you back to where you started. Around the second day, you also begin to feel the pull of withdrawal symptoms exerting themselves against your willpower. If you feel depressed, bored, anxious, hungry, or tired or if you have headaches, don’t succumb to the urge to light up a cigarette. Wherever possible, hang out with friends and family members who don’t smoke. Keep yourself busy with group activities like sports, outdoor walks and shopping trips. Get through this phase, and you’re well on learning how to stop smoking.
This period sees you gain major health benefits. You can feel the power of your rejuvenated lungs as they breathe in air and power your muscles when you work out in the gym or jog outdoors. Since your appetite is on the mend, you may gain some weight. More reason for you to indulge in a healthy lifestyle comprising wholesome and nutritious foods and an active lifestyle.
This is also the most crucial part of your withdrawal initiative. Temptation could hit you hard when you least expect it. So, stay on your guard and take the help of your friends and family to stay out of harm’s reach. If you want to smoke, breathe deeply and count slowly to ten.
Think of all the advances you have achieved and how much you want to remain a non-smoker. This strategy should be enough to take your mind off smoking.
With every passing day, your chances of staying away from smoking increase exponentially. You rarely ever think of smoking. Even seeing others smoking doesn’t get you into a cold sweat. Your body is improving in physical strength and capabilities. You no longer feel depressed or bored. You seize life by the horns and enjoy every waking moment.
Your sleep patterns have stabilized, and you no longer suffer from disturbed sleep or snoring problems. Stopping smoking and staying away from cigarettes is not an easy proposition. It takes lots of determination and physical strength to go through the process. All of us may not be strong enough to take up this challenge. However, there are alternatives, like laser treatment for smoking.
Many people in Toronto and Richmond Hill seek laser therapy to quit smoking. Dealing with withdrawal symptoms can be tough. Laser therapy for smoking includes advanced processes such as cold laser therapy, where acupuncture points located on the face, hands, feet, and ears are precisely targeted with cold laser beams. This process leads to the release of endorphins, the body’s naturally produced defences against pain, depression and boredom.
In Conclusion: When you quit smoking, your heart rate and blood pressure will start to normalize within just 20 minutes of your last cigarette. This is just one of the many health benefits you can experience from quitting smoking. Despite the many benefits, quitting smoking can be a challenging process, and stressful situations can trigger the urge to smoke.
However, the benefits of quitting far outweigh the risks of continuing to smoke, which include an increased risk of developing cancer, heart disease, and other smoking-related diseases. Gaining weight is a common concern for people who quit smoking, but maintaining physical activity and joining a support group or smoking cessation program can help manage this risk.
Nicotine withdrawal and other withdrawal symptoms can also be challenging to manage, but with determination and support, you can overcome these challenges and become smoke-free. By quitting smoking, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease, having a heart attack, and experiencing the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.
Contact us today to request a free professional phone consultation. Our laser stop smoking program clinics are conveniently located and easily accessible in Toronto and Richmond Hill. To Book your in-office consultation, please get in touch with us at 647-557-6082 or visit our website to book a free professional consultation here:
Tags: Give Up Smoking, health benefits of quitting tobacco, how to quit smoking, how to stop smoking, laser therapy to quit smoking, laser treatment for smoking, quitting smoking, smoke, Smokers, smoking, smoking cessation, smoking lifestyle, smoking toronto, tobacco, tobaco withdrawal effects, withdrawal effectsStop Smoking Clinic © 2023 All Rights Reserved Terms of Use and Privacy Policy